I have made 6 courthouse steps blocks so far with my fabrics from the She Can Quilt Bundle 2.0 from Fabric Spark. You can see I have started adding more fabrics to this quilt to supplement the bundle.
As I looked at the photo this morning I realized that the way I placed the fabrics and put the lantern shapes together so far means that the lantern shapes have three points and one flat end. The flat end looks a bit odd with a white square at the start as that blends in for the neutral lanterns and stands out on the colours.
So there are a few solutions I have thought of:
- Change out the white starting squares for another colour and make them a feature. I am thinking either aqua or darker purple.
- Take out the three small squares - the first round of the block and put in a three square long piece of either white or aqua or dark purple. This would make the top of the lantern a feature and the bottom and top would match in shape.
- Leave them as they are. I think it might bug me too much to do that.
Changing out the starting square(s) is not that hard. I could take the opportunity to make a tutorial about how to easily do that without taking the entire block apart.
Any thoughts would be appreciated, I think I will consider this for a while today and do some quilting on another quilt instead.
The lucky winner, picked by the random number generator (#102), of the beautiful bundle is Elena, who I have emailed. Thank you to Fabric Spark for sponsoring this lovely giveaway. And if you would like to purchase this bundle, just go over to Fabric Spark, here.
Thank you all for the comments, I have enjoyed reading them all. I'm glad so many of you love this colour combination. It sure has been making me smile during the long dark nights this week - I am so looking forward to getting out of the darkest months of winter soon.
It's time to get moving, I have a day pretty much to myself today, so I am going to sew and do some errands. I am determined to hit 10,000 steps today, so I expect a walk is required too.

The lucky winner, picked by the random number generator (#102), of the beautiful bundle is Elena, who I have emailed. Thank you to Fabric Spark for sponsoring this lovely giveaway. And if you would like to purchase this bundle, just go over to Fabric Spark, here.
Thank you all for the comments, I have enjoyed reading them all. I'm glad so many of you love this colour combination. It sure has been making me smile during the long dark nights this week - I am so looking forward to getting out of the darkest months of winter soon.
It's time to get moving, I have a day pretty much to myself today, so I am going to sew and do some errands. I am determined to hit 10,000 steps today, so I expect a walk is required too.
I think little pops of Aqua would look great with the magenta and the navy!
Congrats to the winner.
I think the Aqua would be nice the purple might be just a little to dark and distracting.
I think subbing out the central three squares for a pop of contrast would be awesome. Just doing the single square will still leave the lanterns asymmetrical. Rita at red pepper quilts did a courthouse quilt recently where she dealt with this issue by having a contrast central block and alternating colored lanterns with low-volume ones. However, that regular layout loses some of the spontaneity of the pattern you have going here. Whatever you choose to do will be fun!
Love the idea of putting the Aqua in for a pop of color!
Another vote for aqua and interested in seeing how you do that without taking the whole block apart! :)
Another vote for aqua and interested in seeing how you do that without taking the whole block apart! :)
I like the idea of adding a pop of color (and, aqua would be nice). IF you make the single square on EACH block center into your new color (aqua), you would maintain the symmetry and give the blocks some real pizzazz! I truly don't know how that can be achieved without taking everything apart... unless, you Applique your aqua squares onto the already assembled blocks!!! GOOD LUCK!
Great looking block, I love the pops of color.
I wouldn't put the neutral blocks side by side--I would try to make a pattern out of the colored blocks. If you are going to add color--I would add A LOT of additional colors, not just one. I think the real issue is not the individual blocks but the way you have out them together. I know how disappointing this can be--but it's not working as is and if you don't take it apart you will never be happy with it.
It seems that the problem lies with that you either need to make this a traditional courthouse step block and change out the fabric to reflect that or make lantern blocks. If you are not happy with it then it will bug you forever. Whatever you decide will be lovely, I'm sure.
This is beautiful. I love the colors!
I'd change them out - you're right, it isn't that hard and I've just done the same thing on my log cabin wreath quilt where some of the greens just weren't green enough for the required contrast. It didn't take long at all and it was so worth it! I am sure many people would appreciate the tutorial.
I'd got with solution 1 or 2, except I wouldn't know where to start, so a lesson would be great!
Tutorial please for the replacement, I would have opted to colour in with a fabric pen!!
I like the idea of the aqua and then they all will meld but it will be a great pop!
I'm eager to see what your final choice will be. I got curious and tried to simulate your solutions in a graphics program and I liked aqua squares the best, although a version with white 3-square-long rectangles looked good too.
Love the colours of this even though I don't count myself as a pink person! I didn't initially notice the squared off lanterns until you pointed it out, but it may be one of those things that once you focus on it it becomes hard to see past? So initially I thought leave it, but then I thought I'd like to see that tutorial ;-) and if it bugs you I like the idea of a dark purple (?kona midnight?)
I do find it hard to visualise these things without physically laying fabric out, but I think the three square idea is good.
Ooh! Aqua for the win!!Looking forward to seeing how to do this without taking it all apart.
Hope you had a wonderful day to yourself :)
I'd love to see a deep purple added, although the aqua would look nice as well. I'd say take it apart if it bugs you! And the tutorial would be great :)
When I made this block I used a grey starting square which worked well, so if it's not too much hassle to swap one out, go for it :)
I love your fabric selections on these courthouse steps blocks. I'll be watching to see what you decide regarding that small square.
Liking the colour combo, but see what you mean about the flat bottoms, hmm, one to ponder for a while!
I'm another vote for adding that pop of aqua. I think that would look great!
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