I am so pleased to be able to let you know that I pulled out another of my newly sorted scrap bins - the red / pink / purple bin - and this time I did more crazy scrappy improv piecing. I was working more following the method I learned from Victoria Findlay Wolfe at her class at Sewdown Nashville.

Victoria, who is one of the nicest and easy to get to know people, wrote about this approach in her book, 15 Minutes of Play. Basically, you just sew together the fabrics as you like. I sat tonight for a little while with a show running on Netflix on the computer and just played about with the fabric. It was a nice relaxing end to a long day.

After a while I had this improv block. I have an idea that maybe I will make some of these with the warm coloured scraps and then cut them into some kind of shape that I can piece into other scrappy blocks I made the other day.

Add those warm colours somehow into those black / white / grey blocks that I showed you on the weekend. We shall see, I am sure that I can use them for something. And as you can see, there is no shortage of scraps to work with.

Today is the second Tuesday of the month - can you believe it?? Maybe I should start thinking about my present list soon. In the meantime, please join Nicky, from Mrs. Sew and Sow and I for montyly Scraptastic Tuesday link.
- Link up a blog post, flickr picture or instagram photo showing off a scrappy project, new or in progress, or your thoughts on dealing with the scrap mountain. You can link from a post or photo from anytime over the last month.
- Do grab our button and add it to your post, include a link back here, or use the hashtag #scraptastictuesday
- Please link only one post per person. You can link here or on Nicky's blog Mrs. Sew and Sow - the link is the same on both blogs.
- The link will stay open for one week, closing at 10 pm MST on December 15 so that we can announce the randomly drawn winners next Tuesday.
- Please visit as many of the links as you can, and leave a comment too, so that everyone gets know each other a bit in this link up. I've been finding these links very inspiring to visit and I am sure you will too.
A huge thank you to each of our generous sponsors for the following prizes, which will be awarded randomly:
- Simply Solids - 3 mini charm packs
- Sew me a Song - a $20 gift certificate
- Massdrop - 15 fat quarter bundle of designer fabrics, plus two coordinated Aurifil threads (Mako' Ne 50/2)
- Mad About Patchwork - a $30 gift certificate
- Sew Sisters Quilt Shop - $25 gift certificate
- Green Fairy Quilts - $25 gift certificate
- Fat Quarter Shop - a $25 gift certificate
I'm looking forward to seeing what you have been doing with your scraps!
love what you are doing with those scraps and yes i highly recommend Victoria`s book so glad I bought it as it is so instructive
Your scrap blocks look fantastic!
Lovely warm block. I'm stitching with scraps right now...hopefully linking up before too long!
I love what you did with those scrap blocks-hopefully I will be able to link up soon.
Love those blocks. One of my favorite things to do with scraps.
I love your scraps. I have seen Victoria's blog and exchanged a few notes with her over the past couple of years - love her scrappy work - I have tons of scraps to work with too and think I need to get them out and do some of these kinds of blocks too.
I so enjoyed using Victoria's method on my latest quilt - very satisfying!
I love the blocks you are putting together. Very satisfying! Your grey blocks match my scrap oven mitts!
Those text and grey blocks are a favourite ; )
Thanks for the chance to see so many scrap busting projects! Very inspiring.
Am really enjoying seeing your low volume texty blocks come together especially! Thanks for the Scraptastic Tuesdays. I really do need the push to start working through a few of my scraps and the bonus--I enjoy doing it so much.:)
ooh, man!!! Love love love the scrap blocks! Looking forward to seeing what you add to each. Inspiring!! XX!
Such fun prints in your mix. I made blocks quite similar to your pink ones years ago with much more traditional fabrics. I still like the quilt even though I don't buy that type of fabrics anymore.
Yay for remembering to use your scraps! Looking like a great project already :o)
The quilt I posted today is made with the leftover flannel from making a Drunkard Path's flannel quilt top from sew along on Field Trips in Fiber. I needed to make the annual family xmas raffle quilt so this was a way to use up the leftover pieces - or so I thought. Yes, I used up a lot, but I still have enough leftovers to make another quilt! Let's not even talk about the boxes of scraps I haven't touch in a long time!
I am still somewhat intimidated by improv piecing! I guess I like 'order' too much! But I certainly enjoy playing with fabric any which way! ( I am still having trouble with the link but I will try at the Apple Store today...)
Cool blocks! I'm looking forward the end result.
This is my first time linking up - a lot of great projects!
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