Cycles 2 is the second quilt in what might be a series of Cycles quilts. My first Cycles is here. Cycles 2 is 37.5" x 39" after washing. She is made from Kona solids and Essex linen, there is Kona white on the back and the binding is Essex linen. I hand stitched the binding.
The modern industrial matchstick quilting was done with a variety of variegated threads - for the backgrounds I used golds and browns and for the circles I used a blue variegated thread. The different coloured threads gives a subtle striped effect.
I washed this quilt and the added texture was just enough to really make this quilt shine for me. The quilting is about 10 lines to an inch, give or take, so there is not a lot of fabric to crinkle, but it still did crinkle.
The colours are taken from the sun drenched, west coast, northern Pacific Ocean beach palette. The texture is meant to evoke weathered, eroded rocks, driftwood, cliffs, shells. I hope you might also think of waves, tides, wind and even rain and ocean storms.
It is also geometric, asymmetrical, uncluttered using simple shapes and loads of negative space - a modern quilt.
You can see the thread colours better on the Kona white back fabric. Cycles 2 is meant to hang on a wall, so the back will be seldom seen.
I wish you could see her up close. It is surprisingly hard to sew the lines unevenly like this and I found myself returning to evenly spaced lines all the time.
A nighttime detail shot shows some of the thread colours better.
Here are some of the threads from an instagram photo. I used all of these and maybe a couple more for the background. The encouragement from the instagrammers to use them all helped make that decision. In fact the encouragement on instagram really helped with all steps of this quilt, thank you instagram friends.
You can see the texture in the early morning sun. This photo is before washing.
A reminder of what she looked like when I basted her. The change the quilting, binding and washing adds is remarkable. I still love the quilting part of quilting the most, this quilt shows you why.
A commenter asked me about my term industrial modern matchstick quilting. I was inspired to use matchstick quilting by Jacquie Gehring, who blogs at Tall Grass Prairie Studio - her matchstick quilting is very evenly spaced and stunning. My spin on it is to use the wobbly unevenly spaced lines I often use in straight line quilting even in these tight quarters. I am sure others have done this but the term industrial quilting is one I made up to describe these intentionally wobbly lines that create uneven texture. Having made it up does not mean that someone else is not already using it too, so let me know if you have seen it before.
On last shot, in this one she is being held up. I still need to make a hanging sleeve and figure out which wall to hang her on. I already have an idea for another version, there may well be more in the Cycles series.

Oh, and she is also my first finish from my Q4 Finish-A-Long finish.
Congrats on your first FAL finish! The visual imagery you convey with this quilt is just lovely. I am so fond of every inch and every detail. What a wonderful addition to whatever wall you choose!
Ta-da indeed! What a star! Cycles 2 is an absolute delight! And much bigger than I realised! Congratulations Leanne, you must be very proud of this!
I love your quilt. It is stunning how much the quilting has changed it. Really wonderful!
Really special
Looks great. I liked your pillow and the quilt is even better. Congrats.
Absolutely and positively the most gorgeous quilt ever! Well done!
so so SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Freakingly gorgeous Leanne! Prefer this to Cycles 1 cos of the negative space and all the texture from the quilting though it is still gorgeous too! Love the before and after quilting shots! Keep going - I'm wondering what cycles 3 will be like! And 4 and 5!??
What a transformation from flat solid circle to a piece of art! The quilting is amazing and the use of different threads for texture and colour variation is inspired. Definitely retaining your Queen of Solids crown for me!
Another beauty L! It's amazing how the quilting can totally change the look of a pattern. Jxo
Wonderful quilt Leanne and stunning quilting, what a difference it makes too. Had been thinking that variegated thread was a bad idea for quilting but this has changed my mind completely. Love it!
Absolutely gorgeous, i really do adore the texture given by the quilting, great work!!
I love the gentle stripe effect in the background- is that all created by the threads?!
Leanne its absolutely stunning. How on earth did you manage to do so many quilting lines?! I'd have given up by the time I'd quilted an inch. It really is beautiful.
Leanne this is beautiful, a wonderful example of how quilting makes a quilt. I have never heard of industrial matchstick quilting but it's beautiful and I'm now going to research it!
It's awesome, Leanne. The texture from the matchstick quilting is fabulous! Way to go on your first Q4 FAL finish!
This is SUCH a great quilt. Technical question: do you wash it before you bind it?
I am so in love with this! Not only do I love the design/colors, but the quilting is what really sets it a part. Its just stunning!
Love this quilt. The colors, balance and quilting make it a little gem.
Seriouisly love this. You constantly inspire me.
Absolutely stunning. I just love the texture and the subtle thread color changes.
So fabulous, so wonderful! Hollis Chatelain used to use narrow lines of quilting as well, but I don't remember her giving it a name when I took her class. I like the name you use -- matchstick -- as it's very descriptive. She also made the point that the more lines you lay down and the narrower the quilting, the less people notice if the lines wobble and instead look at the overall effect of the quilting. That's how I see your quilting--I notice the densely quilted lines, but pay no attention as to their "straightness" because for me, that's not part of the story.
The design is calming, evocative of the coast, and a complete success of the blending of all the elements available to us as quilters. And that binding is perfect! Road to California's entry dates close the first of October in every year, and I hope that you will consider entering this in their modern quilt section for their 2015 show. I'll take loads of photos for you!
Truly stunning!
Just perfect in EVERY way. Stunning.
thanks for posting this. It is great to have it pointed out what a difference quilting can make to the actual quilt. I love them.
That matchstick quilting is amazing!
Totally love this quilt Leanne! And I am sure I will be trying that style of quilting out very soon - inspiring!!
You're a genius as always, Leanne, when it comes to modern quilting. Beautiful work!
Absolutely fabulous dahling!
Really love this piece, Leanne. The matchstick quilting is the perfect complement to the circles x
Amazing, a real work of art!
It's all already been said but I couldn't leave without leaving a comment.
The fabric selection.
The circles.
The matchstick quilting.
The variegated thread.
Just beautiful. So fresh, so calming, such wonderful texture. I really like this one a lot.
Its so stunning Leanne! I really really want to reach into my screen an touch it!
I absolutely love how this turned out, Leanne!! I can't wait to see it in real life!!!!
its amazing Leanne - you must have so much patience to quilt like that :-)
What a fantastic first finish to your list! It's stunning!
I can't say it enough- I Love this quilt. Love love love.
Holey moley that's amazing. I'm just finishing piecing a quilt top that has a similar layout and had considered doing straight lines and I think you sealed the deal on that though I'll not be as ambitious as your 10 rows per inch! WOWZER! I like the idea of using variegated thread, might have to pick some up at my meetup Saturday.
Completely awesome! This quilting just makes this quilt come alive!
Yay! I'm so glad you linked up for OctoberQuest 2, Leanne! Your quilt is simply fabulous!
this is just beautiful. reminds me of sea glass :)
I love love this quilt. I too like doing straight lining stitching; I haven't done anything as close as yours but want to try it soon.
It's just lovely. That texture is fantastic.
This is just stunningly beautiful! The quilting really makes the whole thing alive. Thank you for this sharing.
Wow! I just love the texture.
Wow! I love EVERYTHING about this. Color, texture, design. I am inspired.
Oh. My. Goodness. I LOVE this quilt! I remember seeing your thread pics on Indtgram. The quilt turned out beautifully! Thanks so much for linking up :)
I love the colors and the circles!
Bravo! A simple, clean modern design that yields a dramatic overall effect! The quilting is amazing. I can't imagine how long this took! Beautiful.
Testing, testing...let's see if this comment sticks! And, I saw this quilt last night while browsing Pinterest!
So beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Love the quilting, the texture and gradation is creates gives it such wonderful depth.
I just love this. It is so modern and beautiful. The quilting is fabulous! It looks so difficult. Great job!
That's just amazing - the subtle color play the quilting threads added to the large fields is absolutely fascinating.
It's absolutely stunning!
This quilt is inspiration-plus! The simplicity, the colors, the well integrated! And, I'm totally smitten with the "industrial" quilting. Can't wait to try it. I failed to bookmark this page when I first found it, and serendipitously re-found it this morning! Just makes my heart sing! Thanks for all the construction info. What colors(s) of Essex linen are used here? Only discovered EL yesterday when I saw your napkins. Must have! Cheers!
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